A 2 for 1…2 days in one post. WOW! I am really stepping up my game…actually I’m not, don’t get used to it.

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After the barely avoiding heat strokes and the constant bitching during the hike yesterday, I decided to give the troops (read…myself) the day off and we were going to trade in our hiking shoes (read…no, we do not have any special hiking shoes, which after several near shankle breakers, I may need to invest in some) for thermometers (read…no we don’t have any thermometers either, I am just trying to be funny…just bear with me) and headed to the National Center for Atmospheric Research (which for brevity purposes- haha, brevity, like I know how to do that- will be referred to as NCAR during the rest of this post. Although it sucked so I am hoping not to be referring to it much at all, period; and no, I can not take credit for the catchy nickname, that’s what people actually call it through out the world, though I am shocked after experiencing it in person that anyone around the world would feel the need to discuss it , but I guess there are some scientists, etc. who get off on that shit, or maybe they have to cuz it’s their job- whatevs). Well, NCAR can kiss my ass- let’s just add atmospheric research to the (seemingly ever-expanding) list of things that I do not give a flying fuck about. I am just happy to wake up in the AM push the weather button on my phone and know what temperatures to expect when I walk out the door and for the next few hours. I don’t care how that  info got there and in regard to the shit they do at  NCAR,  I also do not care what sort of balloon or rocket or kite was used to gather said info. I will leave all of that info gathering  and reporting to the  Laney Popes, Austin Cavenisses (for you local peeps) and Al Rokers and Willard Scotts (for my vast National audience)of the world. OK, maybe not Willard Scott he is just focusing on the Smucker’s birthday reporting these days right? He used to be the bomb back in the day though. In a true testament to how much NCAR sucked, I did not take single picture there. And I know some of you can only read like one paragraph with out a picture, so I will take this time to show you my dinner or lunch or some meal I had the other day:

So wrong, but so right.

No hiking today, but after the thrillingness of NCAR and whatever gourmet lunch I might have thrown together, we were off on our bikes to pick up some food.  A girl Danny grew up with lives out in Boulder and had been nice enough to invite us over (she obviously does not know me, or would have not been so quick with the invite). And in an even more ridiculous move I had decided I was not going to freeload and was going to bring something…hard to believe right?? So me and the kiddos set off on our bikes to the store to grab something to take. And I’m sure in some sort of Karma situation after all my smack talking during our NCAR tour and my disinterest in the changes of weather, as we were leaving from Whole Foods it was sprinkling and there was a little lightning and thunder. Ga-reat!!! We had to get home and it wasn’t raining that hard, I knew we could make it. So we hopped back on our bikes and started busting a move back to the crib.  Well, another little observation about Boulder…people here are not deterred at all from their daily activities for the sake of a little thunder…or lightning. I mean, yes, we were also out in it, I get that, but we were trying to get home, we are not just lollygagging. We biked past the pool and they at least do have the good sense to clear that out for thunder and lightning, but the play ground next door…PACKED!!! And it is all metal. Even my dumb ass knows that climbing on a metal jungle gym is not the thing to do with bolts of lightning cracking all over the place (and I didn’t even learn that at NCAR, btw).

We made it home, showered (yes, actual showers) and headed out. Many thanks to Hillary, Scott, Desmond, and Quincey  for a fun night – we had a blast!  They have 2 boys around the same age of ours and the boys just ran wild for a few hours. And as a bonus, another broad that Danny grew up with had just moved to Boulder and she came over to- so it was fun times; even though I didn’t know half the people they were talking about, but I can roll with it. The kids luckily stayed away most of the night, and  I can only imagine what the upstairs must have looked like after we left; but I have not gotten any angry facebook wall posts from Hillary- so I assume it wasn’t too too bad.  Although there was a bloody nose.  No news is good news right?? I’m going with that.

I usually hate to combine days, but I like to keep it fresh for you readers. On to the next day…

I had given everyone the day off yesterday and let them talk me into the dumb ass NCAR place…well, I was taking the reins back over and I was not going to subject anyone (read…myself) into soaking up anymore unnecessary and/ or useless knowledge. And in an effort to not be stoned to death or cussed out by any or all members of this crew, I am changing our locale and we are heading to some higher elevations and some cooler temps. Nederland or Eldora or who the hell knows where were we headed…but here we come. It was only like 20 miles away.

As always, all smiles before the hiking starts

Little Willie. That smile was short lived of course

Holy Shit it is freezing up here and the one time I do not follow my normal protocol and layer. Bummer. The good news, it is a moderate hike, so I am confident I will be having a god damn heart attack soon and my hypothermia will be the least of my worries. We headed up to find Lost Lake and there it was.  Not lost at all. Right there in plain sight.

Lost (Found) Lake...and look, a little snow up on that mountain in the back

Look at that rushing water we had to get over...I kid, I kid. There is no way I would have trusted myself to even try that, I would have sent one of the kids first

Ok, back down we go. I hate the downhill. I have no problem with the ascent- it doesn’t bother me and I happen to like getting my heart rate elevated; but Christ Almighty, I hate coming back down and it is a minor (read..major) miracle that I did not break a flippin leg or ankle because as you can imagine I am completely out of control. I rolled my poor shankles on multiple occasions but am happy to report, never once actually fell down.  I guess all the skateboarding is paying off and my balance is in tip top shape.  Also worth noting now, I hauled my damn skateboard all the way out here…and it’s a long board so is taking up a shit ton of room and I have only ridden it  twice). Oh, AND I forgot to mention that not only was this hike strenuous, it had the added bonus of having to wade through creeks and rushing water (Ok, there was no actual wading, but we did have to do some precarious stone stepping to keep our shoes dry).

We stopped by the little Boulder Falls on the way back…which I know I have renewed all of your interest in Mork and Mindy, so if you are all caught up on my blog and want to piss away some more time, go to youtube and watch the theme song for Mork and Mindy and not only will you notice the house that I hooked you up with a few posts ago (you’re welcome), but you’ll also see Boulder Falls (pictured below) and Mindy driving is up the road towards this hike. And her dad’s music shop in on Pearl Street (also noted earlier for DJ’s debut as a knife tosser). Wow, what a bunch of useless info that is. I apologize- but maybe one or two of you will enjoy it (losers).

Boulder Falls....amazing right?? The rocks are all starting to look the same aren't they??

It was Wednesday and we were headed to the Famous Boulder Farmer’s Market to pick up some fresh fruit and veggies and dinner. Strike and strike. Apparently the only things in season right now is Kale and Beets and there is no well in hell I am eating either of those 2 nastinesses. Ok then, bring on dinner. Cue rain, and thunder, and lightning.  Sweet. And it was really raining, not just a little sprinkle…real, pouring rain and real lightning and not shockingly, as I look around there are people still walking around and even sprawled out in the park eating like there is not a thing going on. I do not have that sort of resolve, we are getting the fuck out of here and going to a real restaurant, with an actual roof, and air conditioning, and beer and no lightning. I know, I am such a party pooper.

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