Daily Archives: July 22, 2011

Rockies, Rockies, and AL

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Alright assholes, it’s back to keeping it  real and letting the 4 letter words roll, kids get back to watching Nickelodeon!!! hahahaha. Maybe there really is no hope for me after all!!! 1 post is all I lasted. Weak, even for me.

So we are getting ready to bust a move out of Crooked Creek Younglife  Ranch and back down to all the stoners and freaks back in Boulder. What a strange juxtaposition (how ya like me now with that big word?? Albeit with a good chance that I used it incorrectly).  Here we are as we are getting ready to hit the road.

Me and my little angels...and see that stuff back in the back?? Well, that my friends is the Continental Divide. Which, in the spirit of full disclosure, I have no fucking idea what that is- it looks like all the other mountains...but I guess it is special? If it falls under the history category, well then no big shock that I don't know. And you know what?? I also happen to not be great at geography...so, just google it. And then be impressed that I saw it, and I have a photo...get up on that.

Upon the suggestion of one of the other peeps up at Crooked Creek, we have decided to take in a little Rocky Mountain National Park on the ride home. Just a drive thru, no hiking,  and certainly no camping. Just taking it in from the comfort of my car (read…and I mean relative comfort, it would be way more comfortable had the Harrises or my buddy Stu offered to keep the kids for the rest of the week, but I’ll make the best of it)  while listening to some  DMX and a little Dr. Dre and maybe Biggy Smalls, as we  snack on M&Ms, chips and Dr.Pepper.  That is about as roughing it as I get these days.

There's a little family pic for you all. And see that white crap on those mountains?? That is snow. No joke. It is July. And since you all know we rock shorts in the snow (check out the photos from Niagara Falls), we are dressed perfectly for sledding!

It was a really, really cool drive (and cool as in both temperature and scenery, unlike the sweat shop known as Kansas). I was able to enjoy it even with the fairly certain knowledge that Danny was going to send us careening over the side of the mountain and we were all going to die. Not necessarily any fault of his own (though I have been known to take issue with his driving on occasion; but only because,  not shockingly, I am a way better driver than he is).

Look at those Moose...or maybe it's elk, I can't remember the difference

More wildlife and more mountains, just call me Daniel Boone

After a nice, leisurely drive (much more nice and much more leisurely than any of the hikes we have set out on); we were back at the house and put on the mission of both unpacking from this little trip and then also packing  not only for our jaunt over to Denver the next day, but we were moving into a different house upon our arrival back in Boulder. Man, do we have a lot of stuff. And, I am trying to concentrate, but I have just heard the devastating news about J Lo and Marc Anthony splitting up. What a shock. Do you think he is jealous of her success?? Although, isn’t that her 3rd divorce? She must be a total head case (not that I am one to talk). Ok, I don’t have time for this. I needed to focus and was finally able to break away from the TMZ and Perez Hilton long enough to gather up our massive amount of stuff. Now we just have to get it back in the car.

First, the good news, all that crap fit perfectly right back into our car and we were out bright and early for Denver. Now, the bad news, as we were pulling into our hotel in downtown Denver, it was once again obvious that we are just a small step up from white trash. We looked like the Clampetts as we were parked out in front of the Ritz. You know things are bad when they can’t even put your car in the garage, they just have to leave it parked out front. And imagine how pissed they are, trying to run an upscale hotel and they’ve got some yahoos tarnishing the image.

And it may be worth pointing out the pimped out Range Rover and Mercedes and then us. I know the hotel management could not wait for us to leave

We were going to a Rockies game later that night, but we decided to do a little walking around and touring of the city. After all, it was 95 degrees, perfect sight seeing weather. And just like the JonBenet house, I can mark the Colorado state capital building off of my bucket list (read…it wasn’t really on there fools, but there wasn’t alot with in walking distance and I sure as shit wasn’t going to: a children’s museum, a natural history museum, a zoo or an aquarium). So capital building here we come!

will is always a sucker for artillery

A little Colorado state capital for ya; not even the slightest idea who that is in the statue. Learning is for idiots.

I don’t even think we have visited the capital of our home state North Carolina, but now we have seen Denver- I hope that comes in handy for us all. And we didn’t even tour or learn anything (thank the lord); just walked around and snapped a few pictures.  I am sure there is some fab stuff in Denver, but I have no real desire to ever go back. Unless I get my hands on a better travel guide than the one I already have,. After killing a few hours in the hotel room (part of which I locked myself in the bathroom, on purpose, to get away from the kids, and Spongebob Square pants); it was time to get on over to Coors Field. Did someone say Coors?? Hell, yeah, sign me up. Things are looking up on the baseball front.

A picture to prove we were there. I am now accepting resumes for a new blog photographer, ps.

As if the beer wasn't enough to make my night...LOADED TATER TOTS. yes.

Things I can tell you about the Colorado Rockies vs. Milwaukee Brewers game 7/14:

1)the Rockies won, but I have no idea what the score was

2)there is a really good, fat dude on the Brewers named Prince Fielder who is my new favorite player. Anyone that can be that fat and still play professional sports I am a fan of. And a side note…it was reported at the All Star Game (no, I was not watching…Danny filled me in onthis little nugget  when I would not stop talking about my crush on him) that when he was 1 he weighed 50 pounds. How awesome is that?? Will is 7 and weighs 50.

3)I do not know a single player for the Rockies

Things I can tell you about Al (who was seated next to me and pictured here)

The KU hat is Will's attempt to win my attention from my boy Al

1) he was born and raised in Leavenworth, KS

2)he studied engineering at University of Kansas

3) he now resides in Ann Arbor, MI (hence the hat)

4) he was employed by Ford back in the day

5)he has 2 kids, a boy and a girl and 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson (son and grandson pictured being ignored to his right)

6)his son lives in Denver and his daughter in Ann Arbor

7)he looks a little like David Letterman

And I could go on and on and on (kind of like Al, and I guess now that I think about it, kind of like my blog posts…no wonder we hit it off) and provide at least 10 other random facts about him, my point being…I spent the entire game having my ear talked off by this sweet man. I guess I can’t complain too much, but you know I will anyway. I’ll make sure I invite you all over when he comes to Winston-Salem, NC for a visit (fact #7,he has never been to NC before)…you know I offered it. 🙂 I hope he finds me on Facebook.

So the game was over, big win for the Rockies (who I guess we were cheering for, even though that hot Prince Fielder dude was on the other team). It was time to hoof it back to the hotel and rest up for tomorrow’s big day. Spoiler alert: it involves a candy factory.